Letter to the editor: Self-defense was the case

Todd R. Melcher

I see, once again, we have people on campus who cannot resist stating opinions on subject matter that they know absolutely nothing about. Case in point Angie Chipman. First Angie, let me address the semi-automatic issue. The first semi-automatics were manufactured in the later part of the 19th century, and people have been hunting with them ever since. In many parts of this country, people still have the right to defend themselves, which is very handy since officer McGrufff can’t be everywhere and, according to the Supreme Court, is under no obligation to protect individuals. You see, the right to keep and bear arms is all about self defense and nothing at all about hunting. Two million times a year, legally-owned fire-arms are used to defend lives and property of innocent citizens. Fully automatic firearms can be legally possessed in some states but only under heavy restrictions. As of yet, not one of these legally- owned, full-auto firearms has been used to commit a crime. Some people collect machine guns like some people collect vintage or super-fast cars; they are legal and it’s those peoples’ right to do as they choose. Now, let’s talk about those evil . who was it now, oppressing American Indians in the 18th century? Gee, if you are student of history, you should know that the Republicans did not exist until the middle of the 19th century; and even though the Republicans were there, I don’t think they were in power for the entire century; might have been a Democrat or two in there somewhere. Looking at more recent history, you might want to check and see just what party it was in the `50s and `60s that supported segregation and which party introduced integration and civil rights legislation. Now, I know it shouldn’t be too hard, for a wise-old-worldly senior like you to do a little research and find out the story. Todd R. Melcher

Adjunct instructor

Military science