GSB Agenda

Wendy Weiskircher

The Government of the Student Body will meet Wednesday night at 7 in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union. The following will be discussed: Old business A senate order to create and seat a Special Assistant for Internal Legislative Affairs, to be filled by Chris Wisher. New business A bill to amend the finance bylaws. By Olson. A funding bill to transfer $21,803.76 from the GSB Special Projects Account to the GSB Depreciation Account. By Olson. A funding bill to create a Fall Gala Account, transfer $3,372 from the President Salary Line Item to that account and transfer $628 from the Finance Director Salary Line Item to that account. By Olson, Johnson and others. A bill to allocate $1,240 from the GSB Discretionary Account to fund “Meet Your Government Day.” By Olson, Johnson and others.