Danke schoen, darling, danke schoen

Sara Ziegler

This is it. My last column ever to appear in the Iowa State Daily. Three years, and almost 70 columns later, it’s all over.

You’ll never have to read me ranting again.

I’ve written on many varied subjects during my last three years as a columnist, but this time, I’d like to do something a little different.

This is my last chance to show my appreciation to all of those people who made this last year in the life of the Daily possible. From my family to my staff, this incarnation of the Daily would not have been possible without you.

So bear with me. This may be a little sappy, but thanks are definitely in order for everyone who supported me throughout this year.

First, thank you to all of the Daily’s readers. Your praise, advice and constructive criticism have made the Daily better, and all of us here appreciate it.

And to all those readers who criticized us in not-so-constructive ways, thanks. You’ve made me evaluate myself, you’ve made me adapt a tougher skin, and you’ve made me learn to treat some comments with a grain of salt.

To each of my specific professors this year, and to all the professors in the journalism school — you’re great. Thanks for understanding and for lending an ear. Thanks for being ready with advice but also ready just to let me unload my problems on you. Particularly Barbara Mack and Tom Emmerson, thanks so much.

To Spoon, the Daily’s new adviser — this year has been a rough transition for everyone, but I appreciate your perseverance and help. Thanks a lot, y’all.

To Michelle Murken, Tara Deering, Staci Hupp and Keesia Wirt, the four previous editors of the Daily thank you for your wisdom and advice, and thank you for passing on to me all that you did. I wouldn’t be who I am without having learned from you. You’ll probably never know how much you taught me.

To my staff — I can’t say thanks enough. Each and every one of you has made my job so much easier this year, and I’ve enjoyed working with all of you. You don’t know how much I’ll miss you.

To Kate Kompas, the Daily’s head news editor and summer editor in chief thanks for so much hard work and absolute dedication. I have trusted you implicitly with the Daily’s stories all year long, and you never let me down. I absolutely could not have done it without you.

To Carrie Tett, the Daily’s managing editor and next fall’s editor in chief, thank you for always being there and being so eager to learn and to lend a hand whenever one was needed. You have a great year ahead of you, and I am excited for you and proud of you.

To my news desk — Dave Roepke, Katie Goldsmith and Amie Van Overmeer — you guys are the bomb. You’ve been great fun to work with, and your dedication to your jobs never went unnoticed. The news desk is the heart and soul of this paper, and you guys pulled it off beautifully.

To Greg Jerrett, opinion editor — I have so enjoyed getting to know you the past two years. You are remarkably talented, and you are a true friend. Thanks for always taking a third page and for almost never playing Journey.

To the arts and entertainment desk, led by Conor Bezane — thanks for continuing the great tradition of A&E pages. Conor, you’ve already established your mark on High Note, and I am so impressed by the job that you’ve done. Ben Godar and Kyle Moss, you’ve done wonderful work, and you’ve all been a blast to have around the newsroom.

To Ron DeMarse and Josh Flickinger, the sports editors, thank you for countless laughs and great friendship. I have really enjoyed the last two years, and I’m still so proud of the terrific job you did with introducing and maintaining the Gridiron: ISU section. Thanks for representing.

To the photo desk, Keo Pierron and Allison Wade — I love you guys. I’ve ranted and raved a lot this year, but you have always been quick to get what I needed with no complaining, and you’ve consistently improved the quality of photos in the Daily. You two have been a joy to work with, and I thank you.

This is not even to mention the incredible reporters and photographers and copy editors who have dedicated so much time and energy. You all are fantastic, and I know the future of the Daily is in good hands with you around.

To the advertising and production staffs, thanks for the camaraderie and the hard work you do every day to make this newspaper so wonderful. I don’t say it enough, but I think you all do a terrific job.

And of course, to each of the professionals at the Daily. Annette, Karen, Nancy, Theresa, Paula, Stephanie and Sara — you have been so great to work with, and you’ve really made my job easier.

On the personal side, thank you to my family for constantly supporting me and reminding me that there’s more to life than a newspaper. Mom, Dad and Jill, I love you. Thank you so much.

To my roommates, Phil and Adam — thanks for listening to me complain more times than you’ll want to remember. Thanks for doing my share of the dishes, for cooking for me, for cleaning up after me, for taping the “X-Files” for me, and everything else you’ve done. You guys are great roommates, and I will miss you dearly.

To Satchel, thanks for being a really adorable kitten.

To Luke, thanks for listening and discussing, for walks and Perkins and hours in the car just talking, for refusing to give up on our friendship. You are a remarkable part of my life.

To Melanie and Juli — thanks for keeping me accountable and connected to the world outside of the Daily. You two are really great friends, and I hope I can someday give back to you what you’ve given to me.

To Paul Shirley, thanks for understanding about the column thing. I’m really sorry for repeatedly embarrassing you. (I hope I didn’t just embarrass you again.)

There are many more people who enriched my life this year, in many different ways. Thank you for everything you’ve done. I will always be grateful for your help — from subtle encouragement in an e-mail to public approval of something I’ve done. I will never forget any of you.

Finally, and most importantly, thank you to God, without whose grace I never would have made it. It’s been an unbelievable year, and it was all made possible by Him.

It’s time for me and everyone else to move on now, but I always will remember this year and all that it taught me.

Thank you.

Sara Ziegler is a senior in journalism and political science from Sioux Falls, S.D. She is editor in chief of the Daily. She’s trying hard not to cry.