Veishea expands 2000 Web site

Valerie Dennis

Factoids are just a click away at this year’s Veishea Web site.

Veishea organizers say the home page is an easy way for students, faculty and alumni to learn about the student-run celebration. The site can be accessed at Currently, there have been more than 2,500 hits to the Web page.

The purpose of the Veishea Web page is to “give its history, list the events and keep the public informed on how successful Veishea has been the past couple of decades,” said Jennifer Tapke, Webmaster for Veishea home page.

The Web page can be used to find out about anything Veishea, from events to the names of committee members.

“The Web page has all the information about Veishea,” said Tapke, sophomore in computer engineering. “It says what is going on and what there is to do.” In the future, Tapke hopes to link her Web page to Iowa State’s home page.

Brooke Doering, public relations director for Veishea, said the Web page is a good alternative to calling the Veishea office.

“It’s a pretty good venue to find information about Veishea,” said Doering, junior in journalism and mass communication. “There isn’t always someone available in the Veishea office, and the Web page is updated as new information is received, so it’s always available for viewing.”

Tapke said data still is being put together and added to the site.

“A couple of committees are still getting information together and finalizing the information they have, but I expect everything to be done on the Web page within the next two weeks,” Tapke said.

Both Tapke and Doering said the site is self-explanatory and simple to navigate.

“I think the Web page is easy to use,” Doering said. “Lots of older people, such as alumni and parents, use the page, and Jen made the page as easy to use as possible for everyone to use.”

So far, Tapke said she has received only positive comments from fellow students.

“Lots of people say that the page looks great and are glad that something like it is out there,” Tapke said. “They are glad to see what’s going on and are able to stay up to date with Veishea’s happenings.”