Spring fashions heat up stores

Valerie Dennis

With the recent rise in temperatures, spring fever is everywhere, and students are hitting local stores in search of trendy spring attire.

Many area businesses have already set new clothing lines out for spring, and more shipments are on the way.

“We just got our second spring floor set in a few days ago, and it’s doing well already,” said Sunny Eoff, assistant manager at American Eagle in North Grand Mall.

American Eagle will start to get its summer clothes in at the end of April, which will include more tank tops, shorts and summer-type dresses.

Store managers said most apparel shops will feature similar styles of clothing, particularly the latest fads.

“Toggle pants and shorts, which have a bungee-type drawstring at the top and bottom, are very popular items this year,” said Jennifer Thoma, manager at The Buckle at North Grand Mall. “This is something different from other years.”

Thoma said other popular items around Ames include three-point sandals (flip flops), Capri pants, plaid button-down shirts, boat-neck shirts and shirts with a three-quarter length sleeve.

Mary Damhorst, associate professor in textiles and clothing, said items usually become popular after people are exposed to them and become comfortable with the trends. People become accustomed to an item after seeing it on the street, in the fashion industry, in stores and in the media.

“Something becomes a trend when it is put in the public eye,” Damhorst said. “It usually takes a few years to catch on and is started by innovative people in a large area such as Los Angeles or New York City.”

Fad items are interesting, different and fun, Damhorst said. Many of the styles are similar year to year with only a slight change so the industry keeps people shopping.

“People like to feel that they are part of the times because society makes us feel like we have to keep up with the times,” she said.

Capri pants were a new look last year. Damhorst said this year they are more popular because people have gotten used to seeing them and have seen them throughout the entertainment industry and in everyday wear.

“People are interested in Capri pants. They see their friends and people on television wearing them and want to try them on. It’s just something different,” said Troy Krumm, team leader of intimate apparel and ready-to-wear at Target, 320 S. Duff Ave.

Popular items that have been doing well at The Buckle are citrus colors and floral prints, especially in swim trunks.

“We have all different styles this year, including lots of new colors in swimwear for guys,” Thoma said. “Flocking is popular, which is a texture similar to velvet.”

American Eagle has been selling lots of dresses for spring and Easter, and the “worn” items are doing well, along with American Eagle’s popular graphic T-shirts.

“Many people comment on our worn items,” Eoff said. “They like the fact that they don’t need to wear the item, especially hats, out themselves.”