Jesus was real enough

Kevin Siepel

In response to Mr. Morgan’s letter regarding the authenticity of the existence of Jesus, most biblical scholars would agree the Christ story shares certain elements with other mythological God figures.

Mr. Morgan’s efforts to show contradictions in the New Testament have been irrefutably dispelled as false by more scholars than can be mentioned in the space provided in the Daily. One of the reasons non-scholars interpret the writings of the Gospels as contradictory is they fail to realize the Gospels were written to different audiences for different purposes. They are not telling the same “story.” The “contradictions” claimed to exist show a lack of understanding of what is written.

Even non-Christian biblical scholars admit to the existence of Jesus based on the historical record and archaeological evidence available.

There is no doubt as to the identity and authenticity of the authors of the majority of New Testament books. This has been thoroughly researched.

Whether or not you believe Jesus of Nazareth to be God does not change the fact of his existence. If you apply Mr. Morgan’s arguments to other ancient historical figures such as Plato or Homer, you would have to conclude they did not exist either.

For those truly interested in proving to themselves whether or not Jesus existed as a person, take the time to search for the facts yourselves.

They are out there in well-documented form. The level of research in Christian apologetics is not for the uneducated or faint of heart, however.

Kevin Siepel


Cincinnati, Ohio