Expo introduces students to new technology

Valerie Dennis

With all the attention given to the big Iowa State gift announcement, one might have missed the Technology Exposition held in the Memorial Union Thursday afternoon.

The expo allowed vendors the chance to inform students about current technology available for them and faculty members.

“Manufacturing representatives are available to talk with students and staff,” said Michael Culbertson, organizer of the expo and bookstore associate of University Book Store. “There are interactive demonstrations, and it showcases information not available in the bookstore due to lack of space.”

One vendor new to this year’s expo was the Iomega Corporation from Roy, Utah.

Iomega chose to attend the ISU technology expo because “we felt it was a good forum,” said Brad Allen, account manager for Iomega Corporation.

“Iowa State has a lot of Iomega products present on campus already, so this gives us the chance to showcase both the new and existing products available,” he said.

There were many vendors present who attended last year’s expo, and Culbertson said there’s a reason why so many want to come back.

“There has been great response about last year’s exposition,” he said. “Vendors say it is one of the best shows they attend, and the attendees love the information and free products available to them.”

Some people come to the expo searching for the right product to make their computers more technologically advanced, while others come just to browse.

“I wanted to see if there were any new products that I wasn’t aware of on the market,” said Yu-Yen Mo, graduate student in electrical and computer engineering.

Culbertson said the expo has been a well-kept secret.

“Lots of people find out about the technology expo after the fact,” he said. “If they come next year, the show will become bigger because more vendors will want to come.”