People die for flags

Kevin Siepel

Restricting flag burning is one more law that should not be necessary.

If all the laws currently on the books were enforced, everyone could go to jail for something.

Hopefully, we will never come to the day where the laws are all enforced.

If that day comes and someone has it out for you, they will surely find some law you have broken and you will go to jail or lose a privilege, such as the right to vote.

In reply to Jeni Nosbich, who can’t believe anyone ever fought for the flag itself, or any flag, all I can say is read some history.

Count the number of Medal of Honor recipients from the U.S. Civil War, for instance, who received the medal for saving a flag from the enemy, capturing the enemy flag, or dying while trying.

Yep, sounds funny, and I am not sure that it is necessary in today’s military to die to save the flag, but it was not that long ago that the flag itself in battle indicated defeat or victory by it’s mere presence.

I say, fight ignorance not for more laws!

Kevin Siepel


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