IPRT names associate director

Nina Fox

Joseph M. Gilbert recently was named as the associate director for the Institute for Physical Research and Technology at Iowa State.

Gilbert has served as vice president of business development at Wheeling Jesuit University’s National Technology Transfer Center in Washington, D.C. He also has 20 years of experience in marketing, management and business.

Gilbert said his plans for his new position reflect and follow what the program has been doing in the past.

“I would like to continue nurturing the organization through contacts academically and governmentally,” he said.

Gilbert’s past experiences include serving as the director of domestic business development and vice president for Middle East Program for Lockheed Martin. His service and efforts took him to NASA, the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Defense.

Gilbert said his most recent position at Wheeling Jesuit University put him at the forefront of technology transfer from government labs to industries.

“It was also located on a university campus, so that gave me a thorough academic experience,” he said.

He said he is familiar in dealing with government, which will give him support in his upcoming endeavors.

“My main role here is to help facilitate the organization in reaching their goals,” Gilbert said. “I’d like to continue that growing relationship that has been made.”

Steve Karsjen, IPRT communications manager, said he and the department are delighted to have Gilbert on staff.

“His background demonstrates a nice connection to the Institute for Physical Research and Technology and to the needs of the organization,” he said. “We’re very pleased to have him here.”