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Faber ready to assume new role
Jordyn DuBois/Iowa State Daily
Faculty Senate President-Elect Carol Faber explains how she never planned on being Faculty Senate president. She said she was looking to see what else she could learn through the senate and is excited for this next chapter.
January 31, 2019
A room full of leafy greens and eclectic decor is a home away from home for Carol Faber in the College of Design.
When she is not out teaching, advising or working on her most recent project, Faber can be found beside stacks of books at her desk, waiting for any student or faculty member to strike up a conversation or for a chance to offer advice.
“The smallest thing can make someone’s day,” Faber said. And she intends to do just that.
Faber has served on the Faculty Senate for six years. She has served on the Governance Council and is currently the chair of the Judiciary and Appeals Council. At the Jan. 22 Faculty Senate meeting, Faber was elected as the president-elect for the upcoming term.
“I never saw myself going into a position like this,” Faber said. “You never know what one small thing is going to lead to.”
She also said that she has no regrets in her journey to where she is, and the only change she would make is to get involved sooner.
“I enjoy what I’m doing now. And if I can do something that helps what’s next I will,” said Faber.
Faber grew up in Sioux City, Iowa, with her siblings, mother and father. Her father died when Faber was 12 years old, and he was one of the biggest influences on her love of art. He got her into art through 4-H, where she did matting and framing, which is constructing the frames where paintings and photographs are displayed.
Even though Faber’s father was a farmer, he wanted his kids to pursue their passions. For Faber, that turned into art. Her love of art grew from drawings with crayons and paper on the weekends to more complex pieces as she began to learn more. Her seventh grade art instructor encouraged her passion and got her to attend art camps at the Sioux City Art Center, where she later worked throughout high school.
After high school, Faber was not sure if she wanted to go on to college, so she took a year off to decide if college really was the next step for her. In that year she was able to gather her thoughts and make the next step in her life – attending Morningside College with a major in visual studio arts and a minor in mass communication.
She then worked as a visual arts instructor and gallery director at North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC) until June 2005. While working there, she also obtained her Master’s of Fine Arts in drawing, painting and printmaking.
“When I was still a faculty at NIACC, I applied for a one year faculty development leave and pursued a Master of Fine Arts degree from Iowa State University in Integrated Visual Arts,” Faber said. “It took from August of 2001 to May 2004 because I was part time for part of the degree because I was a full time faculty at NIACC. In 2005 I applied and was hired as a tenure track faculty at ISU.”
Fourteen years later, Faber is still working hard and is now an associate professor of graphic design, a position where she is able to combine two of her passions: art and people.
“My experience at Iowa State has been excellent,” Faber said.
From getting into exhibits, research and papers to students and the classroom, Faber said she enjoys it all. She is always willing to learn from students and about what they do.
“I always try to remember what it was like to be a student and do what I can to make class fun and interesting,” said Faber.
Some of her favorite memories have been teaching in the Core Design Program with brand new students who are discovering what they want to do.
When she is not teaching, Faber is an advisor to many students in the College of Design, even if they are not her advisees. She is always willing to lend an ear and give advice when she can.
“Never forget about the little things that make the difference,” Faber said.