Memorial Union charms Svec

Nina Fox

Editor’s Note: “10 Questions” is part of a weekly series featuring a prominent person in the Iowa State and Ames communities. To suggest someone to be interviewed, please submit an e-mail request to [email protected]. This week’s interview is with Kathy Svec, marketing coordinator of the Memorial Union.

What do you do as the marketing coordinator of the Memorial Union?

I work with all the departments in the Union to coordinate their marketing. The Union needs to constantly be making the campus community aware of the programs. One of the other things I do is maintain a list of what everyone’s hours of operation are.

How has the MU Food Court become successful, and are there any plans to enlarge the court?

The renovation of that area was completed two years ago. There are no current plans to make more restaurants, but we are thinking of extending the dining area to an area off the terrace. It will seat approximately 100 more people.

What happens when an expensive program is not well attended? How do you make up for lost money?

The programs are supplied through revenue-generated departments in the Union, parking ramp fees and student activity fees.

What are the various events and programs that are currently going on at the Memorial Union?

Right now, we have a student talent show going on called The Music Season of Varieties. That will go on for three weeks, and the fourth week will have a final show with the best of the students. There are also tryouts for Grandma Mojo’s going on.

How do you determine what programs to have for Veishea that will get students to come?

We do have a better start on activities and events that will be going on in the Union this year. Last year, we had “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” which will return along with Battle of the Bands. The winner of Battle of the Bands will play out on the terrace on an afternoon.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of your job?

Well, the staff here at the union is very dedicated, but the students are just amazing. There’s always a student who comes and does an exceptional job, and they leave, and we think, ‘Oh, there will never be a student like so-and-so,’ and someone always comes along.

I understand you are a member of the Ames Heritage Association. What is the connection between being a member there and working here?

I think Ames volunteering has really helped in the Union. We are creating a historical museum for Ames.

What are your ideas and plans for this upcoming year as far as programs in the Union?

There will be an array of things celebrating the 25th anniversary of The Maintenance Shop. Student Union Board is auditioning new members for the comedy troop Grandma Mojo’s, so that’s alive and well, and they will be performing. Varieties is set to kick off this weekend for the month of February.

We have at least two movie previews through Network Event Theater, and those are true previews, and students get to see these films about two weeks before they actually open in theaters. We get them by satellite-transmission.

What has been your favorite program?

My job has changed a lot, I’ve been at the Union for 20 years. I was an art major, was an art teacher, so when I started, my really favorite part was meeting artists who were doing any number of interesting things. It still is one of the best things.

Did you have any part in The M-Shop becoming smoke-free?

It was a decision of our board (Memorial Union Board of Directors); they asked me to gather some information, but the decision was really theirs.