Against intolerance

Angie Chipman

To Mr. Hosler:

From your reaction to Jason Gross’ program, I’m assuming you must be a homosexual.

Why? Because you obviously know all about what it’s like to be gay in this so-called “free” country we live in.

You must be gay by choice, since you obviously seem to know that LGBT students couldn’t possibly really be different.

We couldn’t possibly be a minority on this campus and anywhere else. It’s all in our minds, RIGHT, Mr. Hosler?

Well, let me tell you this, sir (And I use that in the loosest meaning of the word possible). It’s more than painfully obvious that you’re HETEROSEXUAL and WHITE.

You haven’t been discriminated against a day in your life and it seems to irritate the hell out of you because you can’t seem to figure out why we “queers” just can’t be happy with being allowed to attend this fine establishment of higher education.

Catt was a racist from the word GO and it’s a slap in the face to people of different colors (racism), people of different culture (xenophobia), women (sexism) and homosexuals (homophobia) everywhere.

And if it isn’t, IT SHOULD BE! We will never eradicate any intolerance by ignoring what’s REALLY going on out there — especially by sitting on our butts and ignoring comments like yours.

I’ve always had the notion that if something wasn’t right, I was going to change it.

Neither you nor anybody else will stop me or others like me from ending intolerance in this world.

As for your staying up too late and drinking heavily on weeknights, it doesn’t make you a minority.

It makes you part of the ignorant majority that chooses not to see what they really are … scared to death of losing their typically white, heterosexually dominated society.

Now, if what I’ve said above isn’t enough to make you understand, let me elaborate to the simplest form I can get.

Having a different skin color, being raised in a different culture, being a different gender and being born homosexual is and never will be a choice. Therefore, we are in the minority.

Why? Because the majority is heterosexual in this country (But you’re a smart guy, you should have already known that.).

So, what’s my advice? Never assume that you know what it’s like to be a minority until you’ve actually walked around in their shoes for a couple of miles.

Angie Chipman



President of the LGBTA Alliance