Stay for us or leave for the money
March 31, 1997
Dear Coach Floyd:
After hearing all of these rumors about you going to Tennessee or Ohio State or whatever, I felt compelled to write this letter. I have been following this story as close as I could with the obvious concern being you leaving Iowa State. I have felt for a long time that you are probably one of the top five coaches in the country. But I respect the way you and your players seem to be a class act all the way even more. Having you leave Iowa State was an obvious concern.
But after reading all of this “stuff,” I have been completely taken by surprise. If these things being written are true, it seems to me that your concern is money and it is starting to remind me of what bothers me with professional athletes and the free agency. No loyalty to anything but the almighty dollar.
Personally, I would love for you to coach Iowa State for many years to come, but, if every year Iowa State fans have to wonder if you will be back next year, it is probably best that you go ahead and leave now. This “wishy washy” stuff is no good for the players you recruited and certainly not fair to them.
You have given Iowa State fans a lot to cheer about in your tenure at Iowa State, but if you do not feel that this is the place for you, do everyone a favor and go ahead and leave now. This would be much better for Iowa State basketball as it would give them a chance to find a coach who might be a little more loyal and not a coach who is just wanting to sit back and let the “bidding wars” begin.
I am sure that given my obvious disgust with this “musical chairs” with coaches, my letter will not be forwarded to you. But I guess I feel compelled to let the ISU community know that there is one alumnus that does not feel everyone ought to “bend over backwards” for a basketball coach. This comes from one who is as big a ISU basketball fan as anyone.
Todd Christiansen
Class of 1983