Faculty to share ideas, research
February 12, 1997
Daily Staff Writer
Under a new fellowship program that began this month, Iowa State faculty can visit other Big 12 universities to share ideas and research.
The program will provide $2,500 fellowships to faculty to help pay for transportation and living costs. ISU will offer six fellowships through August.
The fellowships will be for two weeks, but they can be longer. The total amount cannot exceed $2,500.
The fellowships will allow members of the faculty to use libraries, consult with other faculty and students, and offer lectures. They are not intended to be used to attend seminars or symposia.
Faculty will be responsible for arranging coverage of their classes and other responsibilities during their absences. They will also have to submit a brief report to the Provost’s Office, explaining the outcomes of the visits and offering suggestions for future planning.
Tenured, tenure-track and adjunct faculty in positions for at least six years are eligible for the program. Faculty who are interested in fellowships should make preliminary contact with another Big 12 university to determine whether the institution is receptive to a visit and what dates are available.
For any faculty member wishing to do a fellowship, applications are due by March 1. If all of the fellowships are not awarded, more applications will be considered until July 1.
The Faculty Senate Committee on Professional Development will make the initial selections.
For application forms or more information, contact Associate Provost Ed Lewis at 4-5884.