Paula the phony

Andy Gonzales

In the wake of the presidential inauguration, I feel it important to express my opinion. Paula Jones has accused the president of sexual harassment. On “Nightline” she supposedly breaks down and cries, yet not one tear came down her cheek, she was not even teary-eyed.

At the U.S. District court in Washington, she held a press conference in which she said she wants justice but would be willing to settle out of court if Clinton would apologize for any wrong doing. Is she stupid or something, even Forrest Gump would say, “stupid is as stupid does.” Does she actually think the most powerful man on earth would actually do this? This would directly imply that he is guilty, and would most likely be thrown out of office.

Paula Jones reminds me of Anita Hill, they say they were mistreated yet never came forward until they found out they could get something. I think they’re money grubbers. Jones is well within her rights to sue the president according to the law, but when does it go too far? Should the president waste his valuable time and go to court?

For any of you who have gone to court, you know that there is no such thing as a speedy-trial. It doesn’t exist, and this is exactly what Jones’ attorneys promise. Jones’ lawyers argue, “Oh the case would not take so much time as to interfere with the president’s duties.” Like the man is not always busy, I mean he literally has to balance the earth on his head. You know it and I know it.

Let’s take for example, Boutros Boutros Gali. The man didn’t like the United States very much and as soon as his term was up, the United States says, “we want another leader” and what happens, Boutros is gone. The United States influences all of earth, and for its leader to be accused from a little hussy who can’t get her facts straight or even shed a fake tear is cynical.

Before I really get riled up let me finish with this: The president is certainly NOT above the law, but there come breaking points, a limit and if we start having people suing the president we might as well put Al Gore in temporary office, because we just might have another O.J. trial that lasted for a year.

But that’s only my opinion, you can like it or dislike it, I don’t care, because it’s your right.

Andy Gonzales

Political Science