Mortgage approved for the Memorial Union renovations

Keesia Wirt

The state of Iowa Executive Council has approved a mortgage of almost $7 million for renovations of Iowa State’s Memorial Union.

Kathy Svec, marketing coordinator, said money will be used to make food production improvements and to update the kitchens in the building.

“The kitchens have not been updated for quite awhile, and we’re very excited about the new, state of the art renovations that will be going on,” Svec said.

Besides improved kitchen facilities, the Union will be getting a new franchise food-court.

Restaurants include Subway, Chick-Fil-A, Taco Johns, Panda Express, Bergie’s Espresso Cafe and Freshens, which will serve ice cream and yogurt.

The Union will also have a cafeteria line that will serve hamburgers, pizza, soup and salads and hot entrees.

The mortgage, Svec said, was not a surprise.

The Union is a private institution that does not receive money from the state.

In order to receive a mortgage, Union officials had to submit a renovation estimate.

John Gilliland, deputy secretary of state, said anytime one of the state regent institutions wants to purchase land or borrow money, they need to get the approval of the State Executive Council.

Gilliland said the mortgage was granted to the Union under the trustee of Bankers Trust Company.

Svec said the renovation, already underway, will include demolition of everything from south of the main corridors in the lower level to the University Book Store. Every wall will be taken out between the east and west walls and the new eating area will be larger.

The renovations will allow students to walk down the stairs and directly enter the food court, where the vendors will be located on the left, and tables and seating will be on the right.

Svec added that the renovation has not stopped food service in the Union.

The Cardinal Room serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Maintenance Shop serves breakfast and lunch and the northwest study lounge will have a cart to offer sandwiches and drinks.

Onion’s convenience store is also under construction. The store is temporarily located at the east ground floor entrance, the Outlet’s former location.