Iowa quickly approaches 200,000 COVID-19 cases

Johnson and Johnson vaccines will be distributed by Iowa State.
November 13, 2020
The Iowa Department of Public Health reported an increase of 5,065 coronavirus cases since Thursday morning. The state now has 175,423 total cases.
Iowa didn’t reach 100,000 COVID-19 cases until Oct. 12, but quickly surpassed 150,000 and is now approaching 200,000, a number that could be seen before Thanksgiving if cases continue to increase at this rate.
The 14-day postivity rate for the state has remained over 20 percent, clocking in at 22.5 percent.
The number of hospitalized patients has also increased, with 1,227 individuals in the hospital. There are 240 patients in the ICU and 213 patients have been admitted in the last 24 hours.
The number of inpatient beds available continues to decrease, with only 31.18 percent of beds available across the state.
In RMCC region one, the region that includes Story and Polk Counties, there are only 28.56 percent of inpatient beds available.
On Nov. 9, the Polk County Board of Health reported suffering shortages and hospitals at capacity when 191 patients were admitted into the hospital in a 24-hour period. The number has only gone up from there.
The New York Times has listed Iowa as the third highest state for COVID-19 cases and deaths per capita behind South Dakota and North Dakota.
There are now 5,314 total cases in Story County, an increase of 117 from Thursday.
Iowa State University has seen cases increase drastically after Halloweekend and the reopening of Story County bars.
The school reported 366 new cases during its 12th week of classes, prompting President Wendy Wintersteen to tighten social gathering restrictions.
The state also reported 19 new deaths in the state, bringing the death toll to 1,947. Story County has not reported any new deaths and the death toll for the county remains at 18.