Fall ClubFest moved to virtual format


Students had a chance to learn about student organizations and sign up for the ones they found interesting at the spring 2020 ClubFest.

Kylee Haueter

Fall ClubFest will be moved to a virtual format this semester, according to an email sent to Iowa State students Wednesday afternoon citing health concerns from rising COVID-19 numbers.

ClubFest was previously slated to be a hybrid event, with one week happening in-person and another week happening online.

ClubFest will now be completely hosted on Flipgrid on Sept. 14-18. The join code for the event will be posted on the Student Activities Center’s website Sept. 14. 

Organizations that would like to be featured at the event must first register and will then be contacted by a Student Activities Center staff member to receive their join code. Then, they can upload a video explaining their organization and details about how to join.