Editorial: How to prepare for finals during dead week


Schuyler Smith/Iowa State Daily

Students study on tier 2 of Parks Library. 

Editorial Board

After a long semester, it’s finally time for hot cocoa, wrapping yourself up in blankets and camping in the Parks Library. And yes, we do mean literal camping.

Dead Week is finally upon us. For some of you, you are preparing for your first round of college finals. With that in mind, here are some quick tips to help you cram a semesters amount of knowledge into your brain:

First, every night this week, make sure to sleep with your textbooks under your pillow. This will increase knowledge absorption in between cram sessions.

Second, practice filling out multiple choice tests — circling C every time. This will help you avoid cramps during tests.

Third, study with a group, but make sure they all study the wrong information. Though devious, this is the best way to increase the curve.

Finally, fall asleep to Khan Academy videos.

Obviously those are not real study tips. Though, if you do want to try those, please post your grade results.

When it comes to Finals and Dead Week, it can sometimes feel like the world is crashing down on you and there isn’t enough hours in the day to study. Take a deep breath. You got this. Even if you feel like you don’t, Iowa State has resources to help you get ready:

From Dec. 3 through Dec. 12, Parks Library will be open 24 hours.

The Academic Success Center has a multitude of online resources like important study skills, test anxiety, studying locations and how to have a successful study group.

Most high-enrollment classes will still be offering supplemental instruction sessions this week. These are free study sessions, often lead by the course teaching advisers. Students can ask questions about specific homework problems or topics in general.

Finals can be a source for high stress. After all, it may be what determines if you pass a class. However, worrying too much can have a negative impact on your grade. Take study breaks. Go for a walk. Watch an episode of a TV show — whatever helps make you more relaxed!

In the end, finals are coming. However, also realize by Dec. 14, it will all be over and just do the best you can.