Schupbach: If it was easy, everyone would do it

Columnist Trystian Schupbach reflects on his hard work to become an EMT, reaffirming that hard work is always worth it. 

Trystian Schupbach

It has been almost a full year since I started providing patient care as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). Throughout the past few weeks, we have been unusually busy, so it has given me quite a bit of time to reflect on the things I have seen and learned.

My service has responded to seven 911 calls. Generally, we can expect to see two to five calls in a month. Needless to say, I’ve been hustling! Despite how time intensive it’s been, this has allowed me to remember why I chose to do this in the first place and how the hard work has brought me to where I am. 

I completed my EMT course in May 2019. After completing the course, I was ready to begin responding to calls. There were many steps I had to complete first. Being who I am, I was very impatient to start working on the ambulance. First, I had to sit down with the medical director and complete some training. After this first step was complete, I was given a pager and allowed to start responding with the ambulance while I completed my orientation. This whole process took about two months. However, it was well worth it as I reflect back on that time. 

My first few calls were a whirlwind. I’m sure I had the “deer in the headlights” look on my face! I actually started to feel a little overwhelmed with the huge responsibility I was being entrusted with. As I started going to more calls and getting more experience, those feelings started to go away. Up until this present week, I had always had another EMT with me while I was caring for patients. This was part of my orientation and making sure I knew the skills needed to successfully care for patients. I must’ve passed the tests because last week was the first time I went solo! 

This milestone has made me think about what has brought me to this point. There has been a lot of hard work and dedication, but it has all been worth it. My experience has fulfilled something that I have been told: “If it was easy, everyone would do it.” Goals are meant to be set so you have to reach for them. If you never have to work for your goals, they are not worth as much to you.

I have also been astounded at how fast this past year has gone. It has been said, “If you find something you enjoy, you will never work a day in your life.” I feel like this sums up my whole experience working on the ambulance. Find something you enjoy and work hard to achieve that.