A week to celebrate ISU Extension and Outreach



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Iowa State University Extension and Outreach has been serving the state of Iowa for over 100 years, and this week marks a time of celebration for them! ISU Extension and Outreach Week began on Monday, a time to celebrate how the organization continues to serve Iowans.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced this year’s celebration to take place virtually, but that doesn’t dampen the impact that ISU Extension and Outreach has had all across Iowa, with 100 county offices. It has caused a number of people working for Iowa State to have to work from somewhere other than the Ames campus – not dissimilar to what ISU Extension and Outreach has been doing for years!

The ISU Extension and Outreach helps to connect people all over Iowa to the resources they need to succeed, in a ton of different sectors. They engage in research and education in areas from horticulture to human sciences to economics, engineering and more. They play a key role in helping Iowa State succeed in its land grant mission and help the state of Iowa as a whole and created an amazing partnership between the university and the people of this state.

So if you get a chance this week, take some time to look into what ISU Extension and Outreach is doing, whether it’s on a macro scale or what the local office in your Iowa county has been up to. And even while staying safe at home, they’re always serving Iowans!