Weekend Horoscopes


Horoscopes Design

Sydney Novak

Aries: This weekend might not be the most exciting, but remember to take this time to invest in yourself. It’s easy to get caught up in the fast-paced world we live in, but important to relax for yourself.

Taurus: It’s no surprise that you might feel like you’re thriving right now. To maintain this energy, remember to acknowledge those who you are thankful for and share this with others.

Gemini: Keep up the hard work you have been doing in your professional life. It might feel unnoticed right now, but it will pay off soon.

Cancer: Remember to be forthcoming and honest with others this week. If something is bothering you, say it. Don’t worry about pleasing others so much.

Leo: Although it might feel lonely, it might be better to distance yourself from friends right now. If you aren’t on the same path, it’s OK to take time apart.

Virgo: You might be the “yes” person at work, but don’t let others take advantage of you for that reason. If you need to say no once in a while, you shouldn’t feel guilty.

Libra: You might experience a personal difficulty within the next week. Don’t dwell on this potential mishap, and instead focus on keeping communication lines open to friends and family.

Scorpio: Not everything is always about you, but this week is! Expect good news when it comes to your professional life and for your relationships to deepen. 

Sagittarius: You might feel like you are still trying to recover from the curveballs life has thrown at you lately. Remember to be consistent in your routine and you will get back to normal in no time.

Capricorn: Despite the current circumstances, you should expect some flare in your romantic life soon! Whether that’s a new fling or a romantic gesture, love is headed your way.

Aquarius: You might feel a little distant from your friends this week but remember it’s not personal. Instead of diving into the drama, try to steer clear of it and let it resolve on its own.

Pisces: Think before you speak. You might feel angry or upset with someone you love sometime this week, but remember it’s not worth it to say something you will regret.