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Multiple changes to Iowa State majors on the Faculty Senate agenda
Iowa State faculty gathers at the senate faculty meeting held in the Memorial Union on Oct. 9, 2018. The senate faculty meetings are held monthly on Tuesdays.
November 12, 2018
Declaring a new minor and canceling another, a name change request to a department, a new masters program and a change to the catalog for summer programs will all be discussed at this month’s Faculty Senate meeting at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Memorial Union.
Faculty Senate will continue to discuss the addition of a feed technology minor to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. According to the Faculty Senate agenda, the need for this minor comes from the fact that “Iowa’s economy is heavily dependent on grain and livestock production … [and] feed technology is a critical component to the success of these industries.”
The minor will allow students a more in-depth look at how new technologies are impacting the industry and allows students to gain skills which are transferable to other parts of the industry.
The Senate will also be discussing the cancellation of the technology and social change undergraduate and graduate minor. According to the Faculty Senate agenda, “Over the past two decades, a number of programs at ISU have expanded and new programs have developed that address learning goals similar to those covered in the original TSC minor.”
In addition to changes with minors, there is a name change request in the Graphic Design Department. The department wants to replace the Masters of Arts in graphic design with a specialization in environmental graphic design to a Master of Arts in experiential graphic design.
This will leave the department with two masters programs instead of three. The name change is said “to align more clearly with best practices in the discipline”, according to the Faculty Senate agenda.
There is also a proposal for a masters program in event management in the College of Human Sciences. This program will help better prepare students for the fast paced and growing world of the events and meetings industry.
Finally, the Faculty Senate will discuss a catalog change to the summer options here at Iowa State. The proposal, according to the Faculty Senate agenda, states “the [Records and Classification Subcommittee] recommended that the practice of allowing Summer Option for students in dismissal status should be stricken from the Academic Progress and Probation policy.”