Puerto Rican Cultural Night on Saturday to feature live music, food


Chris Jorgensen/Iowa State Daily

Families pose with signs relating to Puerto Rican culture at Puerto Rico Culture night in the Memorial Union on Oct. 22.

Mike Brown

Dancing, food and live music will all be coming to Iowa State, by way of Iowa State’s Puerto Rican Student Association (PRSA).

The PRSA’s Puerto Rican Cultural Night will offer free admission to any who wish to experience Puerto Rican food and music. The event will be held in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union, and the doors will open at 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 3.

The event will feature live, traditional Puerto Rican music for the beginning of the night and, later on, a DJ will be brought in who, according the PRSA president and sophomore in computer science, Alejandro Delbrey, will play more modern Puerto Rican songs. Delbrey also said a space will be given for attendees to dance and socialize.

“[For] the PRSA, our ultimate purpose is to just share our culture, and we also accept people that aren’t Puerto Rican, so they can learn more about our culture,” Delbrey said. “For the Puerto Rican Cultural Night, we basically just share that culture.”

Among the dishes that will be served at the event include rice and beans, as well as chuletas, Delbrey said. Chuletas are a type of Puerto Rican pork dish commonly served with rice and beans.

Delbrey said he expects between 250 and 300 people to attend over the course of the event.