Student Government to address new Iowa State trademark policy and seat new members
After a controversial Resolution was introduced at student government last week, officials from the University Trademark and Licensing came to discuss the new trademark policy. Michael Norton, University Council, and Leesha Zimmerman, Director of Trademark Licensing, answered questions from senators.
October 2, 2018
Student Government will be addressing Iowa State’s trademark policy, as well as seating new members and introducing two pieces of legislation at their meeting Wednesday.
The Senate plans to introduce a resolution regarding Iowa State’s trademark policy. The resolution would put a halt on the implementation of the new trademark policy for the duration of the semester. The resolution also requests additional student representation on the Trademark Advisory Committee, including leaders from outside of the Senate.
The resolution will be read in their meeting on Wednesday, but will not be voted on during the meeting.
The Senate will vote to seat Wendell Lee to the Election Commission, Anthony Tonet and Morgan Mitchell as at-larges to the Civic Engagement Commission, and Amit Mahapatra, Maria Alcivar and Prashant Gargh to the Graduate and Professional Student Senate.
New business on the agenda includes two new funding requests from Cardinal Eats and the Freshman Council.
Cardinal Eats, a student-run food publication showcasing restaurants in Ames, is asking for $5,000 to assist in covering the costs of publishing their biannual issues, as the publication is currently free for all students.
The Freshman Council is requesting $1,119 to help with their 12th Annual Jingle Jog, a 5k run through Iowa State’s campus that raises money for the Andy Albright Scholarship. This funding would go toward the cost of flashlights, floodlights, food, hot chocolate, t-shirts and rental tables for the event.
For more information or to contact your senator, visit The senate meetings are open to the public at 7 p.m. Wednesdays in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.