Last Friday, the official Minecraft YouTube channel uploaded a seemingly innocuous video to advertise their upcoming mob vote. This mob vote is an annual event that allows players to vote on elements to be added to the game. Within 48 hours of the video’s upload, a petition had been created, people were posting Cold War-era propaganda posters and the #boycottmobvote hashtag on TikTok had over a million views.
So, what led to this?
Since 2017, Mojang, the game development studio behind Minecraft, has hosted an annual mob vote. Prior to the vote, Mojang introduces several new game entities or “mobs” – which often resemble living creatures. The mob that wins the vote is added to the game. Mojang has promised that the mobs who lose the vote are not forgotten. However, they have yet to incorporate any of the losing mobs into the game.
In 2020, the vote drew criticism from much of the Minecraft community after popular Minecraft streamer Dream encouraged his millions of subscribers to vote for a specific mob, the glow squid. The glow squid won and was added to the game and as a result, many Minecraft players accused Dream of rigging the vote.
The Boycott
On Oct. 6, the three different mob choices for this year’s vote were released. Players would be able to choose between the crab, the armadillo and the penguin, all of which have unique in-game attributes that can help the player.
The community’s response was nearly instantaneous. Many believed that all three mobs were good options and they didn’t understand why they had to choose. A boycott of the vote was proposed and the idea took off like wildfire.
On Oct. 7, one day after the video with the mob list premiered, a petition was posted by user Holly Mavermorne, titled “Stop the Mob Vote: Put an end to the scrapping of great ideas.” As of writing this article, the petition has over 250,000 signatures.
The petition argues that Mojang has gotten lazy, which seems to be a common sentiment among some players. Allegedly, a modder was able to code all three mobs into the game over the course of one day, adding to the outrage and making some question why Mojang can’t do the same.
The petition’s success can easily be linked to the social media activity surrounding it. Cold War-era propaganda-style posters have become one of the most common ways of spreading the word of the boycott, with slogans such as, “Why settle for less when we could have it all? BOYCOTT THE VOTE” and “ALL OR NONE. NOT JUST ONE. BOYCOTT THE MOB VOTE.”
Though these posters seem to have originated on TikTok, X user mufflekip reposted several of these designs to their account on Oct. 7. At the time of writing this, the post has over 3 million views and 100,000 likes.
Future Vote
The mob vote will open at 1 p.m. EDT Oct. 15.
At the time of writing this, Mojang has not responded to the proposed boycott.
Wtf | Mar 12, 2024 at 8:20 pm
This is beyond stupid. The only one dividing the community is the people spreading this bullsht!
Colton Lotfy | Apr 22, 2024 at 9:06 am
Wrong. They set up the Sniffer as a clear choice. They portrayed the Rascal as something that just gives you pickaxes. They portrayed it as a fancy armor stand. But they portrayed the Sniffer as an exotic and once extinct animal, that can find all sorts of cool and old plant seeds. They portrayed the Sniffer better, cause they wanted it to be voted for, and it was because of that. And dream using his influence to move the mob vote in his favor. And the mob he campaigned and supported is an almost useless mob. It does nothing but provide glow ink sacks, where as the Iceologer would provide useful combat. While the Moobloom was kinda useless, it provided food and flowers. That’s better than a normal cow. So you are wrong. It was rigged, not just in 2020, but Mojang rigged it in 2022.
YoshiGames | Nov 10, 2023 at 10:15 am
Dream rigged it!!!!!!
RockstarFoxy666 | Nov 9, 2023 at 11:53 am
its not rigged!!!!!!! the armadilo wo the mob vote fare and squre so stop complaining
jazz | Oct 17, 2023 at 8:58 am
i want the copper golem back:( | Oct 13, 2023 at 6:51 am
Tyler Rippin | Oct 11, 2023 at 10:50 pm
I’m thinking of a cougar and the biome would be a jungle biome and it’s attack would be the claw and bite the claw would do three Hearts and the bite would do three and a half hearts and the affect of the bite would give you a Bleeding and Nausea affect and to stop the affect you have to go find a leaf called rhubarb plant and eat it.
Rosali | Oct 12, 2023 at 8:31 am
Nice thats cool
Rosali | Oct 11, 2023 at 2:18 pm
I think in the next mob vote they should add the skunk, here are some features that would be included for the skunk: eats berries, when spooked or hit it will spray green smoke at you, once sprayed, you will have an affect called skunked, this will attract hostile mobs towards you and make neutral mobs stay away. this could be a great way to add tomatoes into the game, they would be used by mushing them in some sort of way to get the skunked affect off of you. when you kill them it will drop a sack filled with skunk spray. you can use that as green dye
YoshiGames | Nov 10, 2023 at 10:33 am