Student Government introduces new trademark resolution


Willa Colville/Iowa State Daily

Sen. Sam Freestone voiced his concerns with the new trademark policy to university officials at the Aug. 29 Student Government meeting. Sen. Freestone introduced a controversial Resolution regarding trademark at the previous meeting. 

Madelyn Ostendorf

Student Government set the groundwork for a future trademark resolution and sat new members at their Wednesday meeting.

Student Government approved and seated six new members to the Civic Engagement Committee, the Election Commission and the Graduate and Professional Student Senate. The Senate also introduced a new resolution to the trademark policy as well as two funding requests.

A resolution aimed at lessening the impact of Iowa State’s new trademark policy on student organizations was introduced for a vote at the next meeting. The resolution asks for the policy implementation to halt for a period of time to allow students to better adjust and for documentation citing the purpose of the policy change.

Alex Connor, editor-in-chief of the Iowa State Daily, spoke to Student Government about the purpose and goals of the Iowa State Daily and how members can suggest story ideas.

Before items on the special orders agenda were voted on, Student Government held an open forum where two presentations were given.

Finance Director Seth Carter presented about the Annual Blood Drive. Carter commended the Senate members who had already given blood and reminded the remaining senators to visit the drive.

“I encourage anyone else who is afraid of needles to go save a few lives tomorrow while the blood drive is still going on,” Carter said.

Toni Sleugh, the Student Government director of sustainability, spoke to the Senate about the Green Initiatives Fund and a sustainability project happening at Lake Laverne. The Green Initiative Fund is dedicated to funding groups that fit one of the set goals aimed to improve sustainability.

“We are currently trying to get the word out about the Green Initiatives Fund, just because not a lot of people know that it is a resource available to them,” Sleugh said.

Wendell Lee, a senior in political science, was seated as a Senate member of the Election Commission.

Lee was received to the commission with a vote of 27-0-0.

Three graduate students, Amit Mahapatra in supply chain information systems, Maria Alcivar in human development and family studies, and Prashant Gargh in mechanical engineering were all seated as members of the Graduate and Professional Student Senate and were received unanimously.

“I want to act as a bridge between graduate students and Student Government,” Gargh said.

Anthony Tonet, a junior in civil engineering, and Morgan Mitchell, a sophomore in finance and political science, were seated as at-large members of the Civic Engagement Committee. Both were received unanimously.

Two new items of business were introduced during the Senate meeting. Both Cardinal Eats and the Freshman Council are seeking funding from Student Government.

Cardinal Eats is seeking $5,000 to assist with printing and production fees of their publication, as their food-based magazine is completely free to students.

The Freshman Council, a body comprised of freshman-level students at Iowa State, is requesting $1,119 to fund items for their 12th annual Jingle Jog. They intend to use the funding to purchase lights, food, drinks and  t-shirts for the participants in the Jog.

For more information or to contact your senator, visit The Senate meetings are open to the public at 7 p.m. Wednesdays in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.