Q&A: Former Iowa State football player and business owner Ben Durbin

Ben Durbin coaching kids through his business, Premier Athlete Training.

Trevor Holbrook

Former Iowa State football players Ben Durbin and Ernst Brun Jr. teamed up in Ames to provide a facility for future athletes and members of central Iowa.

Originally located on Highway 30, Premier Athlete Training moved to Lincoln Way. Durbin and Brun Jr.’s facility focuses on members using their bodies with assistance from a handful of different equipment.

On the ground level, the gym is open with weight racks and bench presses against the wall. Just outside is an area for workouts with tires and a basketball hoop. Upstairs, is an area for yoga with punching bags lined on the ceiling.

While Brun Jr. and Durbin can share their experiences from their time at Iowa State, Durbin is still competing.

Durbin, a member of the Cyclone Regional Training Center, can combine his business with his wrestling passion.

Recently, the Daily went to Premier Athlete Training and talked to Durbin.

Iowa State Daily: What’s the average age of a gym member?

Ben Durbin: We hit every niche. Just anyone who wants to come in and do something different and work hard. That’s who’s attracted to this gym.

ISD: What was the hardest part about relocating the gym?

Durbin: I wouldn’t say there were any hard parts. I’ll tell you the easiest part was just having our own space. It made it a lot easier where now we’re not having to have scheduling conflicts with different soccer leagues. They have a lot going on over there, so sometimes it was difficult to schedule different times with our clients.

ISD: How big is your staff right now?

Durbin: We have a staff of about six, six coaches right now.

ISD: What is your company’s specialties?

Durbin: It depends on the client. We have a 24 hour access feature, so people can come and go. We have all of our programing homemade here, all with access on an app. We have our own app that all of our members have access to to do their workouts on the app. Otherwise, they can do our group classes, which we call hybrid fitness. It’s a cross between strength, cardio [and] kickboxing.

ISD: How many people are in the classes, generally?

Durbin: Usually, our classes don’t get anymore than 10 people.

ISD: Playing at Iowa State, is it satisfying giving back to Ames?

Durbin: It’s awesome providing an opportunity for not only athletes, but any individual to reach their full potential. It’s been an awesome experience to be a part of so many people reaching their goals, helping them achieve their goals, whatever that might be.