WATCH: Goose on the loose in Richardson Court

Chris Jorgensen

Freshman Lucas Keller wasn’t expecting a run-in with a goose on his way back from the dining center.

However, he came across a goose that Keller said “guards the sidewalk between the two buildings in front of the Birch-Welch-Roberts area of Richardson Court.” Keller said the same goose is there everyday.

Keller, a freshman in computer engineering, warned the goose that he wasn’t looking for trouble. But as Keller approached, the goose decided to pounce. Keller said he was chased for “five to ten seconds” by the goose.

“I’m from Iowa and my mom told me not to mess with the geese or swans,” Keller said.

Keller posted the video on Twitter Tuesday night. Since being posted, the video has been seen over 2 million times.

The Iowa State University Police Department tweeted “This behavior doesn’t fly here.”

Keller says this isn’t the first time the goose has shown it doesn’t appreciate sharing the sidewalks.

“It’s definitely hissed a lot and chased at people a little bit. From what I understand, it chose a bad place to build a nest,” Keller said.

Attempts to reach out to the goose for comment by the Daily have been unsuccessful at the time of publication.