African Night 2018


Lani Tons/Iowa State Daily

Willi Jacques, Kpandi Lumeh and Helen Yiga perform a play at the African Night show on April 16.

Mike Brown

It takes a village.

This will be the theme behind Iowa State’s African Night. Hosted by the African Students Association, African Night promises to offer insight into many aspects of African culture for attendees. The cost at the door will be $25.

Offering a complimentary, first come first serve, meal featuring a variety of African cuisines, the event begins at 5:30 p.m. with a dinner in the Ames City Auditorium. The event will then feature a play, musical performances, a surprise guest speaker, as well as a fashion show, all to showcase a variety of different African cultures.

African Students Night filled the Ames auditorium last year, with approximately 400 in attendance. The dance-off was a fan favorite at previous African Nights, with instructional dances and audience members taking the stage to participate in a dance-off.

Past events have set out to explore and showcase the full diversity and unique aspects of African culture, and 2018’s African Night plans to the same. The showcase of different African cuisines has also been a favorite of past attendees.

African Night has also featured a variety of different speakers and guests, including Iowa State agronomy professor Andrew Manu and non-profit organization Act 2 Collective. Manu spoke about the importance of perseverance for the African students of Iowa State and told his story, beginning in a small village in Ghana.

Act 2 Collective raised money for their organization, which helps impoverished women and children in countries across Africa, by selling handmade purses and handbags.

African Night has also been a way for African students to connect and represent themselves and their culture, as well as bring together African students across Iowa State’s campus.

Any questions regarding Africa Night can be directed to the event contacts Kpandi Lumeh: [email protected], Katayi Katanga: [email protected], or Brett Altena: [email protected].