Daily Dates Couples Reflection: Emily Marison and Dustin Hagemann


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Four couples were chosen to come in and talk about some of their most intimate emotions and feelings about their relationships. Following the conversation, participants were provided a date to go on together.

Emily Marison, straight junior in genetics, and Dustin Hagemann, straight senior in mechanical engineering, have been dating for two and a half years.

Marison reflected on her and Hagemann’s date together, as well as their relationship. 

For our date, we were given two free movie tickets, a gift card to Dairy Queen and a gift card to Papa Johns. Since I am a scary movie buff we went to see “A Quiet Place.”

Most of the time when it comes to going to the movies this is normally how it goes:

Me: “I want to go see this movie this Saturday.”

Dustin: “Okay sounds good we can go after my rugby game.”

Me: “Alright cool that works for me.”

Dustin usually never asks any questions prior to the movie because he likes to be surprised. He always thinks commercials take away the surprise and fun from the movie and that is one thing I definitely appreciate about him. Also, I get to choose whatever movie I want and naturally he will go, but I don’t ever take him to cheesy rom coms because I would quickly lose my movie picking privileges.

After his rugby game, we went to grab some pizza and then headed to the nearest movie theater we could find. I know a movie is good when even he jumps, and he jumped A LOT. Overall the date went how most dates go. Dustin makes jokes throughout the movie to keep from being scared, I laugh when he jumps, he gets annoyed that we only go to scary movies. A lot of times on dates we like to put our phones away and just interact with each other. Although during movies there isn’t a lot of interacting that can be had, we like to sit in the theater after the movie is over and talk about it until the credits are done. That’s always my favorite part.

The worst part about taking Dustin to the movies is he likes to get revenge on me. The week after our date he will pretend we are actually in the film and do everything he can to either scare me or imitate whatever “scary thing” was in the movie. This week he kept shushing me for making too much noise.

All in all movie dates are still one of my favorites.