Snow? In April? That’s… fun.


Sarah Henry/Iowa State Daily

An Iowa State student, Trevor Johnson, walks on Central Campus through a spring snow flurry on April 3. 

K. Rambo

Well. Here we are. It’s April 3 and it’s snowing.

You may be thinking ‘what did we do to deserve this?’ if you believe natural events are precipitated (get it?) by dogmatic forces.

We, too, are at a loss for answers and body heat.

As it were, it was 33 degrees at noon and it will be 23 degrees at midnight, according to the National Weather Service. It’s also supposed to be in the teens tomorrow morning. Ames will approach the record low of 14 degrees on April 4, set in 1995, according to Intellicast.

The average high on April 3 is 56 degrees. 56 DEGREES (which sounds pretty tropical right now).

The average low? Well, it’s 34 degrees. There’s a high of 35 degrees in Ames today.

On a related note, the snow we’re getting isn’t likely to stick. There’s not enough to ball it up and throw it, you can’t grab your snowboard and shred it — it’s just inconvenient trash. Since it’s all melting on contact, we can also expect a very fun sheet of ice as temperatures drop into the evening.