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StuGov to hold presidential debate
Julian Neely and Juan Bibiloni (left) and Benjamin Whittington and Jocelyn Simms (right) are running for president and vice president of the Student Government.
February 25, 2018
Student Government presidential candidates Benjamin Whittington and Julian Neely will face off in a one-on-one debate Monday evening.
Following the vice presidential debate with Jocelyn Simms and Juan Bibiloni last week, Monday’s event will begin at 7 p.m. in the Gallery Room of the Memorial Union.
Neely, a junior in journalism and mass communications, is currently involved with Student Government as the director of diversity and inclusion. He is the current chapter president of his fraternity Alpha Phi Alpha.
Whittington, a sophomore in political science, is a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon and serves as the president of Turning Point USA at Iowa State.
Topics of the evening include higher education funding, city relationships, campus climate and creating community.
The debate will last approximately an hour, with an opportunity for the public to ask questions at the end. Though, time constraint led to the vice presidential debate concluding without the opportunity for the audience to ask questions.
The Iowa State Daily’s Alex Connor, depth editor and Student Government reporter, will be moderating the event.
For more information, visit stugov.iastate.edu.