Students to say goodbye to Blackboard Learn through Facebook event

Trevor Knabach

All Iowa State students will be facing some changes as the spring semester rolls around.

Beginning Jan. 5, 2018, Iowa State is transitioning away from Blackboard Learn to Canvas, and some students are more excited than others.

A Facebook event has been created with the title ‘Check Blackboard one last time and feel disappointed’ to celebrate this digital changeover.

“I’m passionate about it, because it’s a struggle that most students have faced at some point”, said Ben Dralle, senior in nutritional science and creator of the event. “…we’ve all been frustrated with Blackboard because it crashed, didn’t submit an assignment or had some other technical issue.”

He isn’t the only one who is passionate about this subject. Upwards of 600 people have stated they will be attending the event and 1.4 thousand are interested, with the numbers continuing to rise.

Students will gather at Central Campus just before midnight on Jan. 4 to witness the final minutes of Blackboard access.

After midnight, when ISU students can no longer log in, those in attendance plan on emailing their professors asking why Blackboard is down.

“These shared experiences with Blackboard’s disappointments were certainly a source of inspiration for me in making this event, but another goal I had with the event was to promote a sense of unity on campus. We have so many things that divide us, but we can all find commonality in the disappointments of Blackboard,” Dralle said.