Editorial: Keep mental health in mind during the final stretch of the semester

Editorial Board

As we are going into the final weeks of the semester, it’s important for everyone to remember others’ and their own mental health.

Finishing up regular school work, studying for and taking finals can cause major stress and anxiety for many students. But students don’t have a monopoly on stress — faculty members who are rushing to grade all of their students’ assignments and exams may also be experiencing stress at the end of the semester. 

The editorial board wants to emphasize the importance of taking care of yourself first over finals. 

Taking time for yourself and taking a break from studying and work is important when you’ve been studying for hours and feel overwhelmed with the amount of work you have to do. 

Although the library is open 24 hours, that doesn’t mean you need to take advantage of that offer. Pulling an all-nighter to cram for your exams doesn’t help you and could actually end up hurting your performance during finals. 

If you can’t reduce your stress or anxiety on your own, Iowa State offers counseling that is available for all students. Help is out there. Don’t be afraid to get help if you need it. Finals and grades are important, but they aren’t more important than your mental health. 

Also, remember others — students and faculty alike — may be struggling with stress as the semester comes to a close. Treat others with kindness and understanding this finals season as well as taking care of yourself. 

If you are fearful of a loved ones’ wellbeing and haven’t heard from them, you can also call Ames Police and Iowa State Police to ask for a welfare check.

  • An anonymous crisis resource number is available by texting TALK to 741741.
  • 1-800-273-8255 is the national suicide hotline.
  • If you think someone you know may be experiencing suicidal thoughts, direct conversations with the person can be very helpful. If you think the person may be at immediate risk, refer them to Student Counseling Service or call local police.