StuGov agenda: Funding New York Times, supporting Open Educational Resources up for debate


Student Government senate meetings take place every Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.

Alex Connor

Student Government will debate funding a $35,000 New York Times digital subscription, as well as possibly throwing its support toward Open Educational Resources, during its meeting Wednesday night. 

Here’s a breakdown of the rest of general orders, according to the agenda:

  • Approving the 2018-2019 election apportionments: The senate is required to approve the seats allocated to senate for the upcoming election as proposed by the election commission. 
  • Creating a Director of Student Organization Outreach: Student Government is hoping to create a task force that serves the purpose of attending club meetings and meeting with student organizations on campus.
  • Funding constituency councils: Currently, some student organizations are not eligible for funding from Student Government. According to the legislation, the senate will debate funding $35,993 to eight constituency councils “at the rate of one dollar for every student enrolled in the corresponding college.” In doing this, the senate would be able to benefit those previously non-fundable organizations.
  • Senate accountability: The bylaws do not require that people attend senate meetings to be seated to positions that require senate approval, according to the legislation. If approved Wednesday, a bylaw change would require senate nominees to attend the meeting to be seated.

In addition to general orders, the senate will also discuss seating an at-large member to finance committee. Student Government will also hear from State Relations Officer Kristen Failor during its weekly program.

For more information or to contact your senator, visit The senate meetings are open to the public on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.