Letter: Vote David Martin for city council

The decision for who to support in the City Council election for Ward 3 was an easy one as soon as I saw that David Martin was in the race. He has all of the skills necessary to help lead the City Council in an age where information and technology are important aspects of the future of the Ames economy.  Perhaps more importantly, he understands what the residents of Ames envision as the city’s soul.  I have watched him interact with residents about what it means to live in Ames.  It is clear that he grew up in Ames being proud of the city and never lost his love of Ames.

David Martin earned a degree in computer science at Iowa State and holds a doctorate in computer science from Boston University.  He taught computer science for several years before he left academia to create his own company.  His knowledge of network security and the internet will provide a critical skill set as Ames tries to continue to build its economy in the information age.  

David Martin has made improvement of the internet service within Ames an important part of his campaign.  He understands the economic impact of the spotty access that currently exists in Ames. He has pointed out the impact on small companies.  He also understands the impact that a poor connection can have on a family’s quality of life.

My relationship with David Martin and his family goes back more than 30 years. As a computer science faculty member, I had David [Martin] in class. Through the years, I have watched him continue to excel as a student, businessman and especially as a person.  He will be a great addition to the City Council.  

Join me and vote for David Martin for the City Council in Ward 3.