Editorial: Take the campus climate survey

Editorial Board

Being civically engaged is an important part of contributing to your community. Even if you don’t choose to be civically involved, one of the simplest ways to make an impact on campus is to offer effective feedback about how the university can improve. The university’s campus climate survey is a primary way to do just that.

As the website suggests, the campus climate survey is everyone’s responsibility. Students, faculty and staff have the opportunity to weigh in about their “perceptions of living, working and learning at Iowa State.” The community needs input from those who have had a range of experiences on campus so that the university administration knows what areas should be improved.

This survey is a part of an effort for the university to work toward one of the goals listed in the strategic plan to “continue to enhance and cultivate the ISU Experience where faculty, staff, students and visitors are safe and feel welcomed, supported, included and valued by the university and each other.”

This goal, we argue, is largely because students, faculty and staff pushed for it. Our voices do make an impact, but only when we speak up. While we might not all be willing to publicly write or speak our opinions, giving honest feedback via an online survey allows a more private setting to offer our perspectives.

Through the survey, the university can develop ways to better improve the atmosphere on campus. Things like the Principles of Community can be the forefront of the university’s focus to improve the ways each of us think about the actions we take.

As much as it is hard to receive negative criticism, without it the university cannot improve. Likewise, knowing what is going well — or somewhat well — will allow the campus to capitalize on those strengths.

The survey should take you no longer than 30 minutes. It takes less than 30 minutes to make an impact on campus for the greater good. The ISD Editorial Board members will be taking the survey and we hope you will too.