Cyclone Stampede funded $7,000 for annual rodeo


Katy Klopfenstein/Iowa State Daily

The 54th Annual Cyclone Stampede was held in Hansen Ag learning Center on Saturday and Sunday Oct. 1 and 2. Iowa State University Rodeo Team and 2016 Cyclone stampede Committee hosted the event. 

Alex Connor

Student Government funded Cyclone Stampede Rodeo, as well as ISU Badminton Club during its Wednesday meeting.

Immediate amendments were made to the Cyclone Stampede funding request, in which the organization was originally requesting $21,200 for its annual student-run rodeo in October.

In the past, the rodeo has been funded by Student Government during annual allocations in the spring, but due to a late executive turnover in the spring the organization missed the deadline.

Amendments made to the legislation included reducing the funding from Student Government from $21,200 to $7,350. 

Cyclone Stampede Rodeo will foot the remaining $13,860 of the rodeo costs. 

Erin Lagone, president of Cyclone Stampede Rodeo, attended the meeting to represent the organization, where she touched on where some of the funds go as well as where additional funding comes from.

“Every year we do sponsorships from the community and rodeo organizations,” Lagone said. 

The rodeo will take place Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 and costs $15 for non-affiliated Iowa State adults, $10 for students and is free for those 5 and under. 

The funding request passed 20-0-1.

The senate also funded $750 to ISU Badminton Club for the organization to attend other badminton tournaments this fall and in the spring.

Similar to Cyclone Stampede Rodeo, the ISU Badminton Club missed the deadline during annual allocations in the spring.

ISU Badminton Club President Kaustubh Dube and Vice President Xin Wang represented the organization, the two discussed what the funding will be used for and how many members usually attend the tournaments. 

“On average we take about five to six people,” Wang said. 

The legislation passed 21-0-1. 

The senate also postponed funding indefinitely for the ISU Multicultural Business Network, which had been sent unfavorably from finance. 

Finance Director Steven Valentino said that due to a lack of specificity in the request for $1,000, the group was encouraged to come back at a later time.

Introduced into new business during the senate meeting were funding requests from Iowa State Sparkles Squad, Odyssey of the Mind, ISU Weight Club and Chess Club which will be discussed at next week’s meeting.

For more information or to contact your senator, visit The senate meetings are open to the public on Wednesday’s at 7 p.m. in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.