How to have the ultimate ‘Dad’ day

Jill O'Brien

This Father’s Day, celebrate by embracing major aspects of “dad culture.” From throwing on your favorite polo and white New Balance sneakers, to resting your eyes on the sofa before firing up the grill for the evening BBQ, here’s how to have a true Dad’s day, from sun up to sun down. 

1. Roll out of bed at 8 a.m. Sip your coffee and listen to the birds sing and the sun rise. Even though it’s Father’s Day, it’s still the perfect day to get some yard work done! 

2. 11 a.m. is the perfect time to get outside- not too hot, not too cool. Grab the lawn bags and fire up the mower to polish up the lawn. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, weed the yard after edging those annoying bits of leftover grass. By that time you should have a nice farmer’s tan starting.

3. Now that it’s hotter than heck out there, jump in the shower. Throw on your favorite golf shirt (preferably a striped golf shirt), khaki shorts and white socks to match those bright white New Balance sneakers. Since you’ve got a couple hours until dinner, sink into the family room couch and take a nap. If the kids ask you what you’re doing, simply respond “I’m just resting my eyes.” 

4. Once your eyes are rested, send a quick text to the neighborhood dads inviting them over to crack open a cold one and turn on the Golf Channel to catch the last day of the U.S. Open. 

5. The time has finally come- time to fire up the grill and get that barbecue going! Time to flip patties on the patio while the sound of barking dogs, kids talking and Jimmy Buffet fill the freshly manicured backyard. Pop inside every now and then to ask what everybody wants on their burgers.

6.  Sit down with the family, give the dog some scraps and enjoy the meal you’ve slaved over all evening. With good food and family around, it won’t be hard to have a happy Father’s Day.