Letter: Joni Ernst wouldn’t know resilience if it punched her in the face

This is an open letter to Sen. Joni Ernst, who, on Wednesday, stated that the mental health problems in our state of Iowa and our nation are simply due to “resiliency issues” and “lack of coping skills” in our younger generations.

I have suffered from chronic severe depression and severe depressive episodes since I was 7 years old. My life hasn’t always been easy. There are days when I can’t even move because the physical pain and exhaustion that come from chronic depression is almost unbearable. This is not due to my lack of “coping skills.” It’s due to a chemical imbalance in my brain. So while I know that you don’t always like to believe in science, maybe you should listen to the experts on this one.

The last four years of my life have consisted of one tragedy after another, and there have been more than a few days that I have wanted to just give up and die. But I guess I should thank you, Joni. Because it’s horribly ignorant people like yourself who make me want to stick around, because there is no way in hell that I’m leaving the people of this amazing state in the hands of a senator who believes that those of us who suffer from mental illnesses are simply weak.

The things that you said on Wednesday are tremendously hurtful and harmful to the mental health community, and it’s people like you who are the reason why there are so many negative stigmas surrounding mental illness. This is especially true in Iowa, where we are second to last in the nation for mental health services and laws.

So despite the fact that I’m in constant agony most days, I’m still here. I have not given up. So if that is your definition of someone with “resiliency issues,” then I honestly couldn’t be more proud to have such “issues,” because while you may have served in the military, Joni, you seriously would not know strength and resilience if they punched you in the face.