Letter: Be well, ISU


Jill Itzen/Iowa State Daily

Mark Rowe Barth, the new director of Student Wellness at Iowa State, served as a panelist for the Mental Health Forum. Barth shared a lot about what he does within his position and how it is related to mental health. 

Be well, ISU!

Student Wellness at Iowa State University is a new department in the Division of Student Affairs built to help students maximize their adventure at ISU. 

We are focused on holistic wellness and work with students to create a university environment that promotes health and well-being. 

We are your one-stop department for information and resources related to student wellness and we can help you get connected to campus resources that will help you be more successful at ISU. 

We also provide programs and opportunities that are designed to equip you with life-enhancing skills so you can thrive academically and personally at ISU and beyond. 

As we move toward the end of this academic year, here are a few questions for self-reflection.

What does it mean for you “to be well?” Does that mean you are in good health? If you are happy, are you well? If you are financially set and headed toward your dream job, are you well? Does being happy, healthy and successful make someone well?

The answers to these questions are personal and may change over time.

There are many life dimensions that impact your holistic well-being. Some of these dimensions include emotional, career, social, spiritual, physical, financial, intellectual and environmental wellness.

Together, these dimensions help to make up our overall well-being. The key is to strive toward balance within these dimensions of holistic well-being.

Think optimistically about your health and wellness and you may see how contagious optimistic thoughts can be.

Share your accomplishments and pleasures with others. This can make a difference in your life and the life of those around you.

WE are a community of students, faculty and staff. WE all can make a difference by caring about the type of positive community WE collectively create at ISU. Celebrate you and every part of you and others.

Celebrate the small victories and never forget to remind yourself of all the positive things that keep you going each day.

Check out our website: studentwellness.iastate.edu, follow us on social media or stop by our office (A37 Friley Hall) and learn more about how Student Wellness can help you maximize your adventure. #choosewellisu