IRHA passes three bills, hears from Student Government candidates
IRHA Vice President Wyatt Scheu (left) and President Jacob Zirkelbach address the IRHA committee at their meeting on March 2, 2017.
March 2, 2017
The Inter-Residence Hall Association met Thursday evening, resulting in the passing of three bills.
The meeting opened with presentations by the three pairs of candidates for Student Government president and vice president, which included Conner Tillo and Rachael Barnes; Cody West and Cody Smith; and write-in candidates Anthony Chavez and Emeline Hanscel.
Each pair of candidates touched on their platforms and opened the room for questions from IRHA parliament members.
Concerns with each candidate were voiced, specifically regarding Chavez-Hanscel and their lack of experience in Student Government and residence halls in the past. Safety concerns were brought up toward the Tillo-Barnes proposal to add identification cards to the MyState app.
West-Smith were asked to add more detail to their platform on sexual assault, specifically with ways to better improve the current climate when it comes to sexual assault survivors.
Student Government elections will take place Tuesday and Wednesday.
After the presentations, official business began with the vote for a bill introduced last week concerning the allocation of IRHA funds to purchase new technological items for the group.
The bill was passed unanimously.
The next bill discussed was also from last week, concerning the funding of T-shirts for Helser Hall. The bill calls for a cap of $1,300 to fund the shirts.
The bill was passed unanimously.
A new bill was introduced, calling for IRHA to fund a Leadership Banquet taking place on March 30. Any money remaining would go toward the President’s Retreat that takes place each fall.
Voting was postponed until next week.
A second new bill was introduced asking IRHA to allocate funds to Eaton Hall to provide mugs for the students in the residence hall. The bill called for a cap of $300 to be spent.
The bill was passed unanimously.
IRHA will meet next Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.