Editorial: It’s time to get involved on campus


Max Goldberg/Iowa State Daily

Senators hear testimony from various students in regards to whether or not Student Government should pass a resolution asking President Leath to protect all students, regardless of if they are illegal citizens or not, Wednesday night in the Memorial Union.  

Editorial Board

With the last week of March coming to an end, we are one month away from finals week and the end of the year. While it is time to ensure that you are still on track with your classes, it is also time to plan for next year.

One cannot emphasize enough the importance of campus involvement for students’ experience and future. Although doing well in academics is the first priority, having an experience on campus is also very important and beneficial.

Being involved on campus connects the students to the university and therefore allows them to discover and seek out the resources available to them. It also builds a community for the students, especially those who are far from home. In addition to that, being an active member of the school helps one discover their own passions and their strong points. And that’s not to mention that this kind of involvement is a huge plus when it comes to employment, as it is an important résumé builder.

One can go on and on describing the advantages of being involved on campus, but to summarize, put your academics first, still get involved and you can start right away. Many clubs accept membership requests throughout the year.

But if you want to join a specific organization, you need to look into when you can join. Some student organizations on campus have openings in the first weeks of April. Big organizations such as the Student Government and the International Student Council are looking for motivated students to carry out the work during the upcoming year.

Being a member provides you with great experience and helps you build a large network. It also increases your chance of getting certain scholarships on campus. These organizations are open for any Iowa State student to join. And although one may think that being involved in an organization hurts their academic performance, it is important to know that almost all of these organizations require their members to maintain a strong academic standing. Some even have a minimum GPA that their members are required to maintain in order to stay a part of the organization.

Now is the time to look forward, ensure your success in the current semester and plan for next semester. Browse the student organizations database on the university’s website and explore the different clubs that you can join. There are hundreds of organizations that do an outstanding job serving the community, representing different groups and raising awareness regarding certain issues on the domestic and international stage.