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A recap of Spring Break Jeopardy
Alex Williams, Nick Crone and Cole Staudt listen to host Sarah Muller before they participate in Geography Jeopardy on Feb 28. The three contestants answered questions based on U.S. geography with the winner receiving a prize with gift cards and spring break themed items.
February 28, 2017
Spring Break Jeopardy was streamed Tuesday night by the Iowa State Daily on Facebook live at 7 p.m.
The contestants, Nick Krone, Alex Williams and Cole Staudt, answered geography questions about the different regions of the United States, and the winner received $50 gift cards to Wild Water Car Wash and the ISU Bookstore, as well as some Spring Break items like sunscreen, aloe and a water gun.
The categories covered the Northeast, South, Midwest, West and a miscellaneous section that included the whole country. The questions ranged from asking about state capitals, monuments, inventions and more.
While some of the Jeopardy-style questions were easier like, “This is the smallest state in the U.S.” The contestants were also challenged with questions such as, “This state claims to have invented the ice cream sundae.”
The contestants were evenly scored throughout most of the show, but when they were asked which state was the first to give women the right to vote, the pack separated.
At the end of the show, Williams was announced the winner with 18 points, Krone was is second place with 16 points and Staudt took bronze with 14 points.