Weekend Voices #3
Weekend Voices is a roundup of all the upcoming arts and entertainment events in Ames and Des Moines this weekend.
December 5, 2019
Horoscopes – according to astrology.com for Dec. 6
Despite the fact that the people around you right now might be less than thrilled about what is going on, you have to keep your bright outlook! Don’t join in with others who might be throwing a great big pity party — they are never much fun after everyone agrees to be miserable. Let other people live under a cloud while you choose to stay hopeful and focused on going where it is that you want to go. Of course, you need to be prepared to go there by yourself.
Give yourself a lot of compassion today — you might not need it, but you have to remind yourself that if the chips are ever down, you can always rely on yourself. You are your own best support staff! You cannot listen to negative people who are telling you how badly things could go. Instead, just put your blinders on — it’s okay to do that once in a while! Turn off the outside world, and find comfort inside your mind. You will find all the encouragement and love you need.
More than ever today, it is important for you to remember that you are not in charge of anyone else’s happiness — you are only in charge of your own. Everyone else must find their own way to fulfillment and joy, so do not fall for any guilt that might get tossed your way. And if other people are holding you responsible for their unhappiness, they are not being fair. It might sound harsh, but you have to put your own real needs ahead of their perceived needs today.
Do not let someone’s nasty comment eat away at you — they are only trying to push your buttons, and if you get mad, you’ll only play into their hands. Instead, be extra good to them. Show them more respect than they have shown you. Kill them with kindness. By rising above the petty fight they seem to be itching for, you will show them (and the influential people who may be watching) your maturity. Taking the high road is always wise for you.
More than ever before, you are feeling confident and your communication skills are exceptional. You are finally ready to have that difficult discussion you’ve been putting off for a while. So step right up to the annoying person who’s been pushing your buttons for far too long. Give a piece of your mind to that coworker who thinks they know everything. You don’t have to be rude about what you say to them, you just have to make it clear to them that you won’t tolerate it any longer.
Even though you are loaded full of energy and positive ideas, today is not the ideal time to keep expanding into different areas. So put away your travel brochures and postpone your appointment for that new passport photograph. Right now, it’s time to stick close to home base and focus on just one or two people or projects that need you the most. Your ambition can be satisfied by perfecting your technique with everyday tasks. You don’t always have to be pushed to discover new continents.
To encourage more growth in one of your friendships, you should be more generous with your constructive criticism. This person can take honesty — and they want you to be honest with them. You just have to be sure that you give them that honesty with a sugar coating. Focus on the positive and amp up your enthusiasm before telling them the downside of their behavior. You have a right to be a more active part of this relationship. And in order to do so, you have to speak up more.
Someone who is where you want to be in life is giving you a vision of the future you want to have some day — but what you might not realize is that that day is closer than you think. Switch your focus from your day to day routine and start thinking bigger picture. Expand your worldview to wake up your ambition — start letting it drive your actions at work or at school. Talk to the people in power, and let them know that you’re ready to work for what you want.
Tempo is key today — do your best to stay in rhythm with the people around you, which will be no easy task. Each of the people you encounter today is marching to the beat of their own drummer, and you’ll have to be ready to go faster or slower, depending. This challenge will be good for you, though — it will teach you how to treat people as individuals and anticipate their needs. It will help you learn to be even more flexible than you already are!
Are you feeling intimidated by an intellectual who’s just popped onto the scene? Don’t be! The more they talk about how much they know, the more obvious it will become that they don’t really know what they are talking about. So just let them hog the spotlight for as long as they want, and they will quickly prove to everyone just how smart they aren’t. True intelligence is all about knowing that you don’t know everything — be humble, and keep learning.
Today, try to spice up your life by trying something new and different — whether it’s a new household renovation project, a new bestselling novel, a new type of cuisine or just a new route to and from work. Getting stuck in a routine is no fun — especially now, when there are so many wonderful things in your life to explore. There is no excuse for not mixing things up today. You have the time, you have the energy and you definitely will have the desire you need!
Someone at work or school is trying to get a rise out of you by acting in an unusual or controversial way. They’ll be deliberately saying and doing things in order to get your attention — could it be that they have a little crush on you? Probably. But to you, their weird behavior is nothing you can’t roll with, so their little plan is going to backfire on them! They’ve underestimated how smart you are — but they are still intrigued. Enjoy the chase.
New Movies —> The best of Disney+
With the drop of Disney+ recently, there’s been a blast from the past. Everything from classic Disney cartoons, to Star Wars, to Marvel and more is at the fingertips of their viewers. But where do you start?
Here are three movies on Disney+ to get you started on an endless journey of binge watching.
“A Goofy Movie” (1995)
A story about father and son bonding, “A Goofy Movie” is Disney character Goofy’s first solo movie, and a classic ’90s performance. This animated, light-hearted film became known as a cult classic among those who were kids at the time.
“10 Things I Hate About You” (1999)
A classic teenage love story, “10 Things I Hate About You” features high schoolers Kat and Patrick going in circles around each other in an attempt to sort out their feelings for each other. This movie isn’t nostalgic only for its story though, as the soundtrack brings forth classic ’90s vibes.
Tim Burton’s “The Nightmare Before Christmas” (1993)
Is it really the holiday season if you don’t throw on this classic? A perfect film for transitioning from Halloween’s spooky season to Christmas time, “The Nightmare Before Christmas” is a story of searching for belonging, but taking the wrong route. The music isn’t half bad, either.
Events going on this weekend
All day — “Black Lives Matter: Fashion, Liberation and the Fight for Freedom” exhibit, Ames Public Library
All day — Iowa State University WinterFest 2019
10 a.m. – 5 p.m. — North Grand Farmers’ Indoor Holiday Market, North Grand Mall, Ames
7 p.m. and 10 p.m. — Cyclone Cinema: “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood,” Carver Hall
7:30 p.m. — “Anon(ymous)” by Naomi Iizuka, Fisher Theater, Ames
7:30 p.m. — ISU Symphony Orchestra, Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall, Music Hall, ISU Campus, Ames
8 p.m. — Comedian Jay Phaorah, Great Hall, Memorial Union, Ames
All day — “Black Lives Matter: Fashion, Liberation and the Fight for Freedom” exhibit, Ames Public Library
10 a.m – 5 p.m. — North Grand Farmers’ Indoor Holiday Market, North Grand Mall, Ames
8 p.m. — Deb Never, Maintenance Shop. Ames
7:30 p.m. — “Anon(ymous)” by Naomi Iizuka, Fisher Theater, Ames
10 a.m – 5 p.m. — North Grand Farmers’ Indoor Holiday Market, North Grand Mall, Ames
1 p.m. — “Anon(ymous)” by Naomi Iizuka, Fisher Theater, Ames
7 p.m. — ISU Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band and Concert Band, Stephens Auditorium, Ames
New Music Friday
“Adore You” by Harry Styles
“Christmas Tree Farm” by Taylor Swift
“Put A Little Love On Me” by Niall Horan
“Live Forever” by Liam Payne
“Montana” by French Montana