Homemade cinnamon sugar doughnut recipe

Amanda Wymore

It’s an early morning, and you are so bored of cereal or a cup of yogurt. Maybe it’s about time to shake things up with this simple homemade doughnut recipe with only a few ingredients.


  • 2 cans (16.3 oz.) biscuits
  • 1 bottle (32 fl. oz.) vegetable oil
  • 1 part cinnamon
  • 1 part sugar 

What you will need

  • Large pot
  • Tongs
  • Bowl
  • Spoon


1. Pour bottle of vegetable oil into pot (fill until about ½ or 2/3 of the way full so the biscuits will float), and heat the stove to a medium-high heat, but not boiling.

2. Open cans of biscuits and form them into a conventional doughnut shape. If you’re feeling creative, you can always make fun shapes, too.

3. Prepare the cinnamon-sugar mixture in a medium sized bowl. You may have to add more to this mixture as you begin to cover the doughnuts, but as long as you add a 1:1 portion, that’s all that matters.

4. Once the oil is hot, put one or two of the biscuits in the oil and let cook until golden brown. Flip them over with a pair of tongs and repeat. Continue flipping if you desire them crispier.

5. When you are ready to take the doughnuts out of the oil, pull them out with the tongs and immediately place them in the cinnamon-sugar mixture. Generously cover both sides of the doughnut using a spoon, flipping with the tongs. Tap off excess cinnamon-sugar and put on a plate.

6. Repeat and eat!