Living sustainably in a dorm
Alix Goldwasser’s dorm room shows how organized she and her roommate are.
January 17, 2017
When thinking of ways to help the environment, many people assume they can’t make much of a difference. There are many ways to live sustainably, even in a dorm room.
Students learn about recycling at a young age. Yet, recycling is probably the most overlooked way to be sustainable. Most dorms on campus have ways to recycle in the building. Ask your community adviser if you are not sure where it is.
Use the reusable
Plates, cups, mugs, utensils and water bottles. Buying reusable versions of all of these items will help cut back on the amount of paper products used. Though it may be annoying to wash dishes rather than just throw them away, it helps immensely in the long run.
Cut back on the appliances
While it might be handy to have your own mini-fridge, coffee pot and printer, it takes up a lot of energy. Try sharing with the other people on your floor by keeping these types of items in the communal area for everyone to use. If it’s not possible to share with multiple people, try using low-energy appliances and unplugging things when not in use.
Take advantage of public transportation
Ideally, walking and biking everywhere would be best for the environment, but it’s pretty unpractical — especially where we live. Thankfully, there are plenty of different options. Try different means of transportation rather than driving every place you need to go. CyRide has many different routes around town and is free for all Iowa State students. If you can’t make the bus, try carpooling or taking a cab.
By turning these little day-to-day things into habits you can help the environment from the comfort of your dorm and set an example for the other students on your floor.