Central Campus: a great place to hangout


By Danielle Ferguson [email protected]

Students lounge in hammocks while others sprawl on the lawn of Central Campus on the afternoon of March 8, 2016.

Rachel Trainum

Spring is one of the most beautiful times to be outside on Iowa State’s campus enjoying all of the color. Trees are in bloom, and flowers are popping up all around.

Many students use the breaks in between their classes as an opportunity to enjoy a nice sunny day as a time to be outside and enjoy the weather.

Often times on central campus you can see students throwing a frisbee, climbing a tree or hanging out in a hammock. Having so much open space at Iowa State gives plenty of opportunity for students to take advantage of the beautiful campus and be outside.

Here’s what some students had to say about why they loved being outside on campus.

“I like to hang out on campus because it’s really pretty and there are lots of trees and flowers and things, it’s nice to look at.” Austin Sudtelgte, computer engineering, junior.

“You get to see lots of different people and lots of different landscapes on campus and it’s just a really good way to spend some times outdoors without having to be in a classroom.” Tessa Dall, materials engineering, sophomore.

“I like hanging out on central campus because it’s a great central location for all your friends to hang out.” Henry Ahrenholtz, materials engineering, sophomore.

“My favorite part about hanging out on central campus is just having a break from classes and spending it outside instead of inside doing homework.” Ali Faivre, agriculture and life sciences education, freshman.

“I like to hang out on central university because I think it’s better than being a couch potato and playing Ps4, and it’s more fun to hang out with friends.” Mohammad Albloushi, chemical engineering, freshman.

These students all enjoy putting hammocks in trees and spending time together outside.

Below is a video tutorial of how to put up a hammock.