Hamel: Manifest your reality with neuroplasticity


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Columnist Peyton Hamel believes neuroplasticity, a phenomenon that allows one to control their reality, is a powerful tool to help our brains adapt to a mindset of achievement.

Peyton Hamel

The most powerful thing in the world is your brain and how your brain manipulates your surroundings to create a conscious, beautiful thought. It deliberately puts your reality into your imagination, forfeiting or validating what you believe to be true.

It is also said to be true that our thoughts control our actions and our results. We have the power to re-wire our thoughts and modify our own brains. The scientific phenomenon of neuroplasticity allows us to control our reality due to the brain’s ability to adapt to its environment.

What we decide to influence our brains is partially up to us. Neuroplasticity works as our mental boomerang, recoiling at the exact same speed, with the exact same force and at the exact same distance, given that there is no resistance.

In the real world, resistance appears at every angle down to the very electrons in an atom. The resistances to our boomerang exist in the same manner, whether it be wind, rain or fog.

Luckily for us, our reality exists in our self-made imaginations residing within the deepest parts of our brains. In our imagination, the only resistance that impedes us is ourselves. 

Neuroplasticity is the piece of the brain that explains “why making a thought or action over and over again increases its power.” Eventually, what we say and do becomes a part of our identity. We become what we do and we become what we think. This is why so many motivational speakers and athletes believe in self-affirmation.

Once upon a time…

Usain Bolt said he will be great.

Martin Luther King Jr. said he had a dream.

Rosalind Franklin said she will make a discovery.

They all said it over and over and over again. They kept throwing their boomerang faster, stronger and over a much longer distance. And, one day, they all achieved exactly what they wanted to. Their thoughts manifested into living, breathing results, but only because they were relentless. Despite their obstacles, they decided it was worth it to keep pushing and to keep applying themselves to their passions.

You will do what you are capable of as long as you devote your spare thoughts toward what you wish to achieve. I dream. I can. I will.

If you were to say one positive thought a day devoted to your future, it will be so ingrained in you that each and every action will be more easily driven to help you achieve what you want. It becomes second nature and, more importantly, it becomes your personal truth. Your imagination becomes your reality.

Do not allow yourself to become your biggest obstacle. Think back to a time where your doubt destroyed your well-being or disrupted an opportunity just because you believed you could not do it. Think back on a time where you stripped yourself of success because you tore yourself down.

All it takes is once a day. All it takes is once a day until the great manifestation. Keep pushing, keep pushing and manifesting your own reality. It is within your own control.